My IP address is banned by ISP Firewall . What should I do now ?

If you have new vps  within our 3 days refund period and you find that you received a blocked IP when your vps was setup , we will give you a new working tested IP for free  . Note that this will not be treated for refund case . Just open a support ticket  , click here

If you have vpses older, we request you to wait 1/2 weeks before ip change or new ip get blocked too.You need to change your VPs/proxy software but note that such firewall can detect most soft-wares these days. If possible also contact your isp to get the ip removed from their firewall .

If we change IP immediately , it will get blocked again and we will run out of ips. Mind you this is not our network issue, it is a block managed by your ISP firewall.

The cost of ip change in case of old vpses is 2 USD.

You can test if your IPs banned here


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